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For further details regarding any of these machines please click "item no." and the contact details of the owner will be sent to you by e-mail.

item no.5525

Gualapack CHP30 pouch filler for drinks (1995), 30/min, with Techno Vibrazioni VD5N cap feeder (1994), for pre-cut pouches 181 x 74mm wide,
photos here, UK, 37.000 euros
item no.5561
Complete line for ice lollipop/drink product in 90ml tubes (2015), up to 18.000 tubes/hr, with drinks kitchen, tube moulding, filling & flowpacking 10 tubes/pack,
photos, videos & details here, Saudi Arabia, 275.000 USD
item no.6322

Mostl Anlagenbau juice compound plant (2018), up to 4000l/hr, with powder dissolving, concentration, mixing, pasteurisation, homogenisation, CIP,
photos & details here, North Africa, 625.000 euros

Tel: +54 911 3111 0183 (Argentina)

E-mail: info@mac-trader.com